Monday, July 23, 2007

Grand Opening on Hyenacart!!

Well, we are finally having our official grand opening on hyenacart tomorrow at 2pm. We will be having free for shipping lotteries, a few types of semi-custom slots, and lots of new yarn!

So what have I been doing other than that? Well, not much! That's kind of been my focus for the past few weeks... but after the opening, I'm hoping to have time to catch up on some of my pending projects. Right now, my biggest priority is finishing up some handspun worsted 2-ply that will be for Fluff Factory. Here's a picture of the fiber I dyed up:

Shallow Seas

I've always wanted to participate because I've been so impressed with what they do. 2x a year they pick a charity, and have a huge auction of donated items. All of the proceeds then go to the selected charity. It's a great chance to get beautiful handmade items AND support a good cause, all in one.

So what am I doing? Well, I'm actually donating some or all of the contents in 3 different "baskets". The first will be with my partners in crime at TLC. We are going to put together a basket of 6 skeins of yarn, each of us donating 2 skeins. The second I think I'm doing on my own (Colleen might join in, she still has to see...) where I'm going to offer a Learn to Spindle kit. It's going to have a decent starter spindle (specifically, I've just ordered a Greensleaves Barebones), a collection of dyed and undyed fibers to try out, a "getting started" book, and I'm considering creating a DVD that demo's using the spindle (that's still a little up in the air!). I was most particular about the spindle I chose... I did not want to go with one of the usual "student" spindles. I'm not a big fan of the spindle that is usually in these types of kits (they are trying to hook you on spinning, right?!!?) In addition, I was thinking about include "free support", but I'm not quite sure how to manage that one, so I might skip that part. We'll see...

And finally back around to the fiber above. That is for the 3rd basket. I'm spinning up some worsted weight yarn. Then, the amazingly talented Heather (her store is FYF soakers -- definitely go check her out if you need any diaper woolies!) will knit them up into longies. And finally, Steph from Pattynaps will be making a matching diaper as well! :-D

Well, I'm signing off for the moment! I want to do a few more things before our grand opening. Come check us out if you have a moment: .


Annalea said...

Wow, Lea. TLC is looking great! Good luck today!

CraftyCarole said...

the roving looks fantastic.... and so does hyena! I was just there... awesome!